The George Washington University

School of Business, Executive Education, Summer 2024

Dates, Group 3: June 6, 12, 13, 20, 26 (3 hrs., 1-4 pm), 27 (3 hrs., 1-4 pm); July 3, 10, 11, 17, 18
Day & Time, Group 3: Wednesdays & Thursdays from 2-4 PM EST

Dates, Group 4: July 9 (2-4 PM), 16 (3 hrs., 1-4 pm), 19 (3 hrs., 1-4 pm).
+ August 12 (5:15-7 pm, room 254), 14 (12-4 pm, room 258), 19 (5:15-7 pm, room 254), 23 (6-8 pm, room 254), 24 (12-4 pm, room 258), 26 (5:15-7 pm, room 254), 30 (6-8 pm, room 254).

Location: GWU, Duques 254 & 258
Instructor: Nada M. Salem

Click HERE for Details
(Password Protected)

This Advanced Academic Writing course is designed to help international university professors enhance their academic writing skills. Each session builds upon the previous ones, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience. Over the span of 12 two-hour sessions, participants will cover essential aspects of academic writing, from fundamental grammar and sentence structure to advanced techniques for publishing and presenting research findings.

Key Highlights:

  • Getting to Know You + Needs Assessment: The course begins with an icebreaker activity and a needs assessment to tailor the content to the specific goals and challenges of the participants.
  • Grammar and Sentence Structure: Early sessions focus on common grammatical issues, crafting clear sentences, and writing coherent paragraphs.
  • Writing Skills Development: Participants will learn to write effective introductions and conclusions, structure academic papers, and improve their academic vocabulary and style.
  • Specialized Writing: The course includes sessions on writing clear and concise papers.
  • Revising and Editing: Strategies for effective revision, proofreading, and peer review are covered to help participants refine their writing.
  • Publication Preparation: Guidance on identifying suitable journals, understanding the peer review process, and preparing submission packages.
  • Presenting Research Findings: The final session focuses on techniques for delivering effective academic presentations.

Throughout the course, participants will engage in practical assignments and peer reviews to apply what they’ve learned and receive constructive feedback. This structured approach ensures a well-rounded and impactful learning experience, empowering participants to elevate their academic writing in the field of business education.

Advanced Academic Writing Class: Group 3
June/July 2024

Advanced Academic Writing Class: Group 4
July/August 2024


Session 1: Introduction – Academic Writing Course

Session 2: Fundamentals of Grammar and Sentence Structure

Session 3: Paragraph Structure and Development

Session 4: Writing Effective Introductions and Conclusions

Session 5: Error Analysis and Proofreading

Session 6: Structuring Academic Papers

Session 7: Improving Academic Vocabulary and Style

Session 8: Writing Clear and Concise Business Reports

Session 9: Revising and Editing Academic Writing (1)

Session 10: Revising and Editing Academic Writing (2)

Session 11: Preparing for Publication

Session 12: Presenting Research Findings

Additional Resources (on main page)

  • Recommended reading list
  • Online writing tools and resources
  • Access to academic databases and journals

Evaluation Criteria

  • Participation and engagement in class discussions
  • Quality and timeliness of assignments
  • Improvement and development in writing skills
  • Final paper and presentation
  • Attending at least 10 sessions
  • Making up for all missed sessions

Additional (Tentative- If Needed & Time Permits)

1- Research and Information Literacy

2- Literature Review and Synthesis

3- Developing a Methodology Section

4- Presenting Data and Results

5- Crafting a Discussion and Analysis